German Club Hanau- Maintal gets in touch 

Update: President Tony is investigating a Rotary Grant to facilitate this ...
The club has received an invitation from the Hanau- Maintal Rotary club to become involved in Beruwala Housing Project in Sri Lanka.  Skye will tell us all about it, but in involves helping out and here's a short summary of the status of the area where the club has been helping.
"For weeks now, former District Administrator Karl Eyerkaufer, the initiator of the "Main-Kinzig-Kreis hilft Beruwala/Sri Lanka" campaign, has been receiving bad news about the island state's worst economic crisis in decades. "Mismanagement by the family dynasty that has been in power for 20 years Rajapaksa and the collapse of tourism due to the corona pandemic have meant that the heavily indebted country lacks the money to import important goods," reports Karl Eyerkaufer. You have to queue for days for petrol and gas, and you spend hours chasing survival goods afterwards, like rice, bread or medicines."