Catherine Eagleson - Mental Health and the benefits of Puzzles

Catherine was our guest speaker on Wednesday morning by the wonders of zoom. Catherine suffered mental health issues from a young age, and has an amazing story nohow she used her situation to create a business and a resource for other mental health sufferers - with means more than 20% of the population who suffer from depression and / or anxiety.
For Catherine it was he grandmother who got her interested in crosswords and puzzles, and so when n 2002 she was diagnosed with bi-polar manic depression and told she would never hold down a job she took matters into her own hands and has devoted her skills to creating 4 series of books on puzzles and articles for The Sydney Morning Herald to help folks with mental health issues to focus there energies on problem solving like crosswords, code breaking, and wordsmithing which all have a beneficial effect in calming the brain and building mental resilience. 
Catherine's website is a portal used by libraries and organisations giving them access to specially designed puzzles, and an initiative called CUSP - catch up solving problems which\h provide fellowship to sufferers as a platform to problem solving. 
Catherine joined Rotary in 2006 and is a generous supporter of Australian Rotary Health and of course "Lift the Lid" ...a derivitaove of the coast "Walk for Mental Health" started by our very own Vicki Stewart, ably assisted by our very own Gary Walsh, back in the day. 
and here's a few words from Catherine,
I have been in Rotary for nearly 17 years, and my vocation is Crossword Compilation/Library Services. I am a member of the Rotary Club of Glenferrie, and hold the position of Secretary of the District 9800 Committee for Australian Rotary Health. Over the last 20 years, I have built a small business called the Clue Detective Puzzle Agency which has led to me creating a niche that I call puzzling for mindfulness/mental health. My aim is to demonstrate to people how the enjoyment of solving puzzles can alleviate anxiety. The presentation will  include information about my lived experience with bipolar disorder, creating Clue Detective and highlighting how puzzles can be beneficial for mental health; including Rotary club service/fundraising project opportunities.