Speakers Corner

What a fantastic job Graeme Hight did through the year as speakers organiser!
Recently Russ Stephenson and Darryl Iseppi from Nambour Rotary and District Rotary joined us for breakfast and Russ spoke about his project to assist PNG be more sustainable with their native food groups, while Daryl updated us on the wider Rotary community. 
We had so many interesting speakers, and from all aspects of our community, from Magistrates, Manufacturers, Education policy makers, Young Australians, young aviators, aviator medico's, CEO's,  Cyber Safety experts, Wildlife volunteers, Community leaders, etc.
So we learnt a LOT from these talks, and wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to Graeme for his efforts in coordinating speakers for the club. 
Typical of Graeme, he's also handing over a list of possibles for future breakfast talks, including
  • Lifestyle coaches
  • Medical practictioners
  • Rotarian program speakers
  • Environmental management manager
  • Cancer experts
  • NBN management
  • Young student leaders
  • Youth Science leaders
  • Polio program managers
  • Rotary Peace Fellows
  • Rotarians against Malaria 
  • Palliative Care Leaders
Well done Graeme you have certainly set the bar high for the next speakers corner organiser !!
Russ Stephenson
Darryl Iseppi