Bill Bradley spoke to the club about his experiences as a vet in the animal kingdom, and very interesting it was too. From his early years in Sydney to his retirement to the Sunshine Coast.  
Bill still keeps up to date with the latest advances on Veterinary Science and has a large vocabulary of latin words....... usually from the vulgaris family!
As anticipated there were lots of vet stories and vet jokes told in Bill's inimitable style, and usually involving some activity in the "nether" regions. 
It's also fair to say that we learned a more about Bill allergies to certain animal fluids than we probably needed to know.
It was a fascinating insight into a vet's varied life from caring for large animals in the outback, to returning to Sydney and running one of the largest practices, before leading the Sunshine Coast fight against the equine virus, and then eventually retiring here on the Sunshine Coast. 
Thank you Bill, some amazing stories, most of which would make a maiden aunt blush!
It was pleasure to hear from someone who knew what he wanted to do in life, made a success of it, and still retains a tremendous curiosity for science and medicine.