Club visit to the "Great Guys" at King IT

On Friday the club visited Patrick and his team at King IT to hear the latest on the brilliant work that his team are doing in providing emergency phones to DV victims. We found out that demand for these emergency phones outstrips demand and that Ashton Wood founder of  DV Safephone  and director of IC3 are working with Red Rose Foundation to get these phones to DV victims who are in desperate need of reliable emergency contact mechanisms when things turn bad. 
Ashton is funding the program himself, and Patricks team are refurbishing donated phones, and can already see that demand is so great that they will need significant help to meet the demand, and bring the program - which is already taking roots world wide- to the folks in our society who live with DV every day. 
Sounds like a great thing for the larger Rotary organisation to get involved with..
Patrick was telling the club that his successful business, had a bit of prompting from fellow Rotarians at Caloundra and now that he's taken the plunge into small business, things are thriving and he's never looked back. So we'll done Patrick for not only turning a small business into a larger business, but also retaining Community support in your company culture. 
Meanwhile, Ashton is pushing on with the phones for DV program and getting some interest from Vodafone and the wider good corporate citizens. If you can help, please donate to the program, or if you have an old phone, then consider donating to King IT. But first as we found out, if you have any accounts on the phone, please remove them, and if you're not sure how to do that... then pop in and Patrick's team will be happy to show you.