Brilliant, inspirational and exciting talk from Australia's youngest aviator Liam Morey

On Friday Liam gave the club an insight into what it is like to fly solo to the furthermost points in Australia.

How much excitement can you cram into 92 hours of solo flying, across vast expanse of water, through dust storms and running out of petrol in the nullabor, approaching landing strip as darkness descends, landing after 5 hours with only 6 minutes to spare??? all sounded like a fantastic boys own adventure from a modest Year 11 Siena student who has had a love of aviation since he was 13 years old. 

Well done Liam, so glad to hear your story, and we all agreed we'll be hearing a lot more from you in years to come. 



Liam explaining how the flight logistics worked and how he was so appreciative of all the folks who offered accommodation on the way around Australia


Liam's airplane that was his home for nearly 3 weeks with only a rather cute teddy bear for company. A rather bumpy ride going into Darwin was the most frightening part, oh, and over the Bass Straight with no land anywhere is sight, and a few other fantastic experiences. 


Liam experienced severe headwinds heading from West to East across the continent, so fuel situation was a bit dire ...fortunately Liam spotted a service station going across the desert.....apparently the service station owner took it all in his you do outback. 


Carmel gave the vote of thanks from the club. Apparently Liam is getting quite used to public speaking! We were very fortunate to have such an inspiring young chap on the coast.