Our amazing District Governor has sent us this message...

Good morning Presidents and Secretaries

This morning we are waking to a time when many of those living in our District are facing uncertainty.

Our District in this year has already encountered significant challenges – drought, COVID, the isolation of our Island clubs.

Now we’re in the midst of what’s being referred to as  a weather bomb ….. significant rain over a long period …… and more than 75 of our Clubs are in communities in the firing line. This flooding is more than significant.

We are going to need to show the Rotary spirit, the Rotary and Rotaract connections and be there to help our fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors, friends, colleagues and community members.

We need you and your members to keep your eyes open – As a Club you may have already decided to take action and support your community.  If you see someone or something where you’d welcome broader help then let us know.  There will also be a need for general mud army support – and it may be that we decide to focus on particular areas.

We’re putting together a small team to coordinate where we will give some of our focus. We’re aware there’ll be clean up needed in Gympie, we know that there are homes to clean up in Grantham and fences to build, we imagine there’ll be help needed in Toowoomba, in the areas to the north of Brisbane, the south of Brisbane and then Brisbane itself. And that’s not all.

In the next day or two we’ll be asking you to identify situations where we may need to coordinate more help. We’ll also be asking you to give us the names of those ready with some time and personal energy  to join together in a coordinated group to move as Rotarians/Rotaractors.

Most importantly of all though – we ask that you take care of each other. Take the time to make contact with everyone. Ask if they’re OK, ask if their family and friends are OK.

I thank each of you who’ve made contact over the past three days to share thoughts, ideas and just because you needed to talk.

Please start the conversations with your members. Let them know we care

Thinking of you all – you can contact DGE Tim Keeler, DGN Paul Roger, our IPDGs Patrice Robinson and Neil Black or me. Otherwise you can make contact with your Assistant Governor – they’re a resource for you.

This is one of our chances to ‘Serve to Change Lives’

Yours in Rotary 

DG Wendy   (Protheroe)